Several years ago I found a Christmas book that offered some ideas to consider when thinking of how to make Christmas as cheery as possible. The book was called "The Little Book of Christmas Joys," by H. Jackson Brown Jr., Rosemary Brown and Kathy Peel. I shared this list with you last year at this time but I think a reminder is called for. Today and tomorrow I'll be giving you a rerun of their ideas, which are terrific. You only have a week left to incorporate what "clicks" with you, but you can spread a lot of goodwill in a single week! It's never too late.
~ Be the first to wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas.
~ Mend a broken relationship with someone during the holidays.
~ Take a basket of goodies to a notoriously grumpy neighbor.
~ Let go of a problem you can't solve.
~ Hang a favorite Christmas ornament from your car's rear-view mirror.
~ Take a basket of goodies to your local fire and police station.
~ Try at least one new Christmas recipe and one new decorating idea.
~ Tie jingle-bells on your kids' shoelaces, or on yours, if you are brave.
~ Buy yourself another set of lights for your Christmas Tree.
~ Enjoy a couple of meals illuminated only with the Christmas Tree.
~ Go to a Christmas Parade.
~ Deliver a coffee cake to a neighbor.
~ Call a nursing home and get the names of five people who don't often receive mail. Send each one a Christmas card and sign it "from Santa."
~ Wear outrageous Christmas socks.
~ Record a cheerful Christmas greeting on your answering machine or voicemail.
~ Make French Toast with eggnog.
~ Give an anonymous gift of money to someone who has been laid off.
~ Put something Christmasy in every room in your home.
~ Throughout the season, give family and others the gift of a good disposition.
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