But we considered, too, that they were the luckiest cats ever to be born in Turkey and they were blessed by us. And we told them that often, and always when we accommodated their silly habits and desires "just because."
Once a year - in October - the Catholic Church, as well as many other churches and organizations, set aside a day for "The Blessing of the Animals." Not being Catholic, Jerry and I were unaware of this particular event until one year we inadvertently went to Olvera Street in Los Angeles on that particular day and saw one of the most amazing parades we'd ever seen. Lined up along the street were people with animals of every sort and style. The line snaked around to the patio area in front of the church, where one of the Catholic officials was pronouncing a blessing on every animal. The strangest thing, however, was not so much the animals that were there but the little effigies people carried for animals that were no longer living. Those got blessed also. One lady, who later ate her lunch in a booth near ours at a local restaurant, had taken a small paper bag, drawn a face and ears on it, and wore it on her hand to receive its blessing. At the restaurant she sat the bag in its own chair. Did it look like her deceased dog? To her, it still was her dog, I'm sure.
The Blessing of the Animals, as nearly as I understand it, is celebrated on St. Francis of Assisi day. Its biblical justification apparently is understood this way:
" The range of objects that come under the influence of the Church's blessing is as comprehensive as the spiritual and temporal interests of her children. All the lower creatures have been made to serve man and minister to his needs. As nothing, then, should be left undone to enhance their utility towards this end, they are placed in a way under the direct providence of "Every creature of God is good. . .", as St. Paul says "for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer" (1 Timothy 4:4-5).
In year's past, Cardinal Mahoney offered this as a blessing:
"Almighty Father, we bless these animals for all they have done in supplying our food, in carrying our burdens, providing us with clothing and companionship and tendering a service to the human race since the world began."
I have absolutely no disagreement with any of these blessing or sentiments or events. I have never been without a dog or a cat or a canary (sometimes all at the same time) and hope I'll be able to keep one beside me as I travel into my old age.
I do need to share with you a couple of funny pictures I found that illustrate just how seriously some people take this event.
If you can take your eyes off the size of that snake, you can see a pretty good sized horn and tiny goat's feet (or perhaps sheep's feet) from the next-in-line-to-be-blessed animal. And finally....
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